Sunday, June 29, 2008

Raise your victory stone!

The lyrics to a popular old hymn that has become a pretty awesome worship song are below. "Here I raise my Ebenezer," is an odd saying with great meaning. An Ebenezer stone is a stone raised when you are in victory! It could be raised for any victory or success you have in your life. So my prayer for you today is to have victory in something. You have conquered something tough--or decide you would like to try. Today I raise my Ebenezar in victory over Satan to have you as my friend reading this blog...

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

Sorrowing I shall be in spirit,
Till released from flesh and sin,
Yet from what I do inherit,
Here Thy praises I’ll begin;
Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Thy great help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.

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