Monday, May 26, 2008

Yes marijuana is bad for you!

According to Psyciatry today magazine, the myth that marijuana use has no long term effects on an adolescents psyche is just that, a myth! Research shows that over 77% of teens using marijuana on a regular basis (weekly, or daily) have some type of psychotic event that is directly associated with marijuana. THC acts much like cocaine in the way it stimulates neurotransmitters responsbile for dopamine and endorphine release. In my experience with the young men and women I have worked alongside, one statement holds true, nothing good comes to you in life when you are using.

Signs that marijuana use has gotten a hold of you!

1. Neglected appearance/hygiene
2. Poor self image
3. Grades dropping
4. Violent outbursts at home
5. Frequent use of Eye Wash
6. Unexplained weight drop
7. Drug Paraphernalia
8. Slurred speech
9. Curfew violations
10. Running away
11. Skin abrasions
12. Hostility towards family members
13. Chemical breath
14.Glassy eyes
15.Red eyes
16.Valuables Missing
17. Possessing unexplained valuables

18. Stealing/borrowing money
19.Change in friends
20. Depression
21. Withdrawal
23.Reckless Behavior
24.No Concern about future
25. Defiles Family Values
26. Disrespectful to parents
27. Lying/Deception
28. Sneaky behavior
29. Disregards Consequences
30. Loss of Interest in healthy activities
31. Verbally abusive
32. Manipulative/Self-Centered
33. Lack of Motivation
34. Truancy

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